It may not be the best way to think about the 2020 rowing seasons but as we move into October with no rowers, coaches or volunteers known to having been diagnosed with the virus - it feels like we’re about to “win”.
I guess it falls under the heading of “…take your victories where you find them…” I am sure everyone can identify with the feeling most of our rowers have over the loss of a competitive season and the fact you cannot get it back. I would however have to offset that loss with a shout out to the wonderful job the coaches and volunteers have done to keep the club open for those athletes that could at least get out in a single and recently doubles, and even quads! (Note: the athletes who entered into team boats have signed an agreement to maintain safety within their rowing bubble) Our master’s rowers have been active through the summer and now the fall both training and participating in the Wednesday evening race around the Island hosted by Nancy Storrs and Ridley Graduate Boat Club. The Island Training Centre (no official name yet) being built for the Canada Summer Games has broken ground and will be finished well before the Games that have now been delayed to the summer of 2022. Since there will not be much rowing news once we move into November, I have been collecting profiles of some of our members which I will start sharing. Having looked through Stan Lapinski’s “One Hundred Years in a Row – 1903 to 2003” more times than I can count it struck me that a few updates about our members might make for enjoyable reading through the winter. You will get a feel for how I would like to do them after the first couple. If you would like to offer up yourself or a rower that doesn’t mind having their history shared then please pull together a biography that includes family background, school(s), rowing, work and current status if you or they are not in the city and still rowing. Email: [email protected] If you are thinking of your own biography, do not be shy! Pull together your bio. SCRC has a wonderful history, and it is because of the thousands of rowers that have represented us. Depending on how many I get, I cannot promise everyone will get profiled. But… I am retired and have no plans for travel this winter (guess why!) so I will make best efforts. Please stay safe as we move into cold and flu season. No one needs to be worried about whether they have the common cold or have contracted the virus. Wear your mask. Social distance. Maintain your social bubble. Best in Sport, Rick Crooker President, St. Catharines Rowing Club Comments are closed.
St. Catharines Rowing ClubThe St. Catharines Rowing Club has a long tradition of competing at the highest level in the sport of rowing. Categories
January 2025